Re-Nudging: A Nudge that made me feel good
Hello, Nudger! As I consider what might go on The List for round 4 (coming soon!), I’m looking back at old posts. This one stood out because as I re-read it, I found myself smiling. The experience made me feel so good! It checks so many of the boxes of a good Nudge: it was free, it was fun, it started to look like a failure, then surprised me in the end. And maybe it also resonated because this morning a friend introduced me to another Olive and Mabel video (Andrew Cotter’s brilliant series, referenced below), this one revealing what went on “Behind the Scenes.” You can watch it here. “Things that make me laugh” is definitely going on the brainstorming list for our next round of Nudges. — Kathleen
Nudged: Share a Laugh x7 (originally posted September 2, 2022)
What Happened: Fail. Epic fail. Okay, not completely. On Monday, I found a funny memento and sent it to a niece. On Tuesday, I searched for a funny meme and forwarded it to a friend, but then I totally dropped the ball. I can’t even explain why. I just fizzled out.
The Ah-Hahs: You know who didn’t fail? The Nudgers who sent jokes to me! Thank you! Kiss kiss!
And I’m not throwing in the towel, because I feel like I owe you. So here’s my go-to, never-fails-to-lift-my-spirits, makes-me-smile, reminds-me-of-the-good-stuff source: Olive and Mabel.
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve watched the short videos of sportscaster Andrew Cotter narrating the antics of his dogs. OMG. Clever, sweet, hilarious. I’m smiling as I type this.
Start with Episode 1 “The Dog’s Breakfast Grand Final,” then search YouTubes for the others.
Then share them with anyone else* who needs to laugh.
*I’m guessing that’s all of us.