Nudging: Practice concentration
This week’s Nudge is inspired by The Owner’s Manual to Life by Michael Zajaczkowski. I had the privilege of reviewing this book ahead of its 2023 release, and it has since become a daily devotional with 100 “simple strategies to worry less and enjoy life more.”
In chapter 91, Mike suggests a few ways to “Practice mindfulness.” This line struck a chord with me:
anything is interesting if you stare at it for a few minutes.
What comes to mind is pulling out an old magnifying glass and studying the interior of a flower…or a piece of fabric, or the bark of a tree.
Or I could take a few moments to savor a mouthful of something, noticing texture, viscosity, and nuances of flavors.
Or I could turn off all the noise in my world (phone, computer, news) and get lost in a beautiful piece of music.
So many options for slowing down and delighting my senses.
Let’s explore our worlds a little more deeply this week.